Create Your Own CRM System

Create Your Own Crm System

Customer relationship management (CRM) is one of the most essential aspects of a business. Having a good CRM system in place can help you manage your customers’ needs effectively. However, buying an existing CRM system can be expensive, and it may not always cater to your specific requirements. This is where creating your own CRM system can come in handy. In this article, we will discuss how you can create your own CRM system for your business.

Determine Your Business Requirements

The first step in creating your own CRM system is to determine your business requirements. You need to identify what you want your CRM system to achieve. This will help you define the features and functionalities that you need in your CRM system. Some of the critical features that your CRM system should have are contact management, lead management, pipeline management, and reporting.

Once you have identified your business requirements, you can start building your CRM system.

Select a Framework

When creating your own CRM system, you need to select the right framework. Selecting the right framework can help you build your CRM system quickly and efficiently. Some of the popular frameworks that you can use to build your CRM system are Laravel, CodeIgniter, and Yii.

Each of these frameworks has their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you should evaluate their features and choose the one that best suits your requirements.

Create a Database Schema

Before you start building your CRM system, you need to create a database schema. The database schema will define the structure of your CRM system. You need to identify the tables, fields, and relationships that your system will have.

The database schema is the foundation of your CRM system, and you need to be careful when designing it. You should ensure that the schema is scalable and can accommodate future changes in your business requirements.

Implement the User Interface

The user interface is the part of your CRM system that your users will interact with. You need to design a user-friendly interface that will help your users achieve their objectives easily. The user interface should be intuitive, responsive, and accessible.

You can use front-end frameworks such as Bootstrap and Materialize to implement your user interface. These frameworks come with pre-built components that you can use to speed up your development process.

Implement the Business Logic

The business logic is the part of your CRM system that handles the business processes. You need to ensure that your CRM system can automate your business processes and workflows. This will help you save time, reduce errors, and improve productivity.

You can use back-end frameworks such as Laravel and CodeIgniter to implement your business logic. These frameworks come with built-in features that can help you implement your business processes quickly.

Implement the APIs

The APIs are the part of your CRM system that enables integration with other third-party tools and services. You need to ensure that your CRM system can integrate with other tools that you use in your business. This will help you streamline your workflows and improve your productivity.

You can use API frameworks such as Lumen and Slim to implement your APIs. These frameworks come with built-in features that can help you build robust and secure APIs quickly.

Test Your CRM System

Testing is an essential part of the software development process. You need to test your CRM system to ensure that it works correctly and meets your business requirements. You should perform functional testing, integration testing, and performance testing.

You can use testing frameworks such as PHPUnit and Codeception to test your CRM system. These frameworks come with built-in features that can help you test your system efficiently.

Deploy Your CRM System

Once you have tested your CRM system, you can deploy it to your production environment. You need to ensure that your production environment can support your CRM system’s requirements. You should also ensure that your CRM system is secure and resilient.

You can use deployment tools such as Jenkins and Ansible to deploy your CRM system. These tools can help you automate your deployment process and ensure that your system is always up-to-date.

Maintain Your CRM System

Maintenance is an essential part of the software development process. You need to maintain your CRM system to ensure that it continues to meet your business requirements. You should regularly update your system, fix bugs, and improve its performance.

You can use monitoring tools such as New Relic and Datadog to monitor your CRM system’s performance. These tools can help you identify performance issues and fix them before they become critical.


Creating your own CRM system can be a challenging task, but it can be highly rewarding. By creating your CRM system, you can ensure that it caters to your specific business requirements. You can also save costs and improve your productivity. Follow the steps outlined in this article, and you will be on your way to creating your CRM system.

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